Webinar - Child Friendly Neighbourhood Design
An insightful webinar that explored Child Friendly Neighbourhood Design. We heard from Natalia Krysiak and expert panelists Melissa Mason, Helen Ryan and Mark Egan.
Families in high-density housing: a Design Guide
With increasing rates of families with children living in high-density housing, we must re-envision how compact neighbourhoods are designed to prioritise the health and lifestyle needs of this demographic. The presentation will focus on a Design Guide (currently in draft format) developed by Western Sydney Local Health District’s Centre for Population Health, with the City of Parramatta Council and Hayball Architects which showcases best practice examples and design guidelines to enhance health outcomes for families with children in high-density housing. With this guideline being the first of its kind in Australia, the potential to influence the liveability of future compact cities is immense.
Visit https://www.citiesforplay.com/ for more information.
If you missed it that’s ok! You can view a recording of the webinar below.
Left to right - Natalia Krysiak, Helen Ryan, Melissa Mason, Mark Egan
Natalia Krysiak
Natalia is a passionate advocate for playful cities and spaces, engaging in placemaking and research initiatives around the world. In 2019 Natalia was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate global best practice for designing child-friendly neighbourhoods. Her research explores how we can create more playful and child-friendly urban environments.
Visit https://www.citiesforplay.com/ for more information.
Helen Ryan
Helen Ryan, BSW, MPH, is a Health Promotion manager at Western Sydney Local Health District’s Centre for Population Health. Helen is committed to supporting positive health outcomes by working in partnership with others to advocate for improvements in the built and natural environments in Western Sydney. Key areas of interest include active transport, the provision of quality green open space, healthy high density and a response to the challenges of climate change.
Melissa Mason
Melissa Mason, BSc (Nutr & Diet), MPH, is a Program Officer at Western Sydney Local Health District’s Centre for Population Health. Mel has co-authored three research papers about healthy higher density housing for families with children and is passionate about improving health outcomes for the community through advocating for, and the creation of healthy built environments.
Mark Egan
Mark Egan is a Strategy Manager at City of Parramatta Council. Mark is committed to making Parramatta a socially sustainable community and using strategy as the vehicle to deliver this outcome. Key areas of interest include social impact assessment, affordable housing policy, and community infrastructure planning. Mark helped prepare City of Parramatta Council’s first Community Infrastructure Strategy and also wrote Council’s current Affordable Rental Housing Policy.
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