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Public Art tour + UDA at the Pub

  • Walking tour: meet at Regimental Square, 339A George St at 5:30 (don't be later or you'll miss out!) UDA at the pub: 6:30 at the Belvedere Hotel 482 Kent St Sydney (map)

Continuum - Möbius Sculpture, Mikala Dwyer, 2024, Martin Place Station, Sydney, Commissioned by TfNSW. Photo Credit: Sydney Metro

Kati Westlake

Diana Griffiths

Public art adds depth, texture and meaning to the city, engaging and stimulating the public, sometimes challenging preconceptions.

Cities are places of history and meaning. Commitments by government and private entities to facilitate, fund and curate public art can enhance and elevate daily life in the city.

There are many types of public art including sculptures, memorials, murals, and installations and they range from the permanent to the ephemeral. This tour, led by Kati Westlake and Diana Griffiths, provides an opportunity to hear more about the stories behind permanent artworks at the Gadigal and Martin Place Metro Stations and works in the surrounding streets that were fostered by the City of Sydney. The tour will focus on permanent public art, such as sculptures, memorial, murals and installations.

The walking tour has a maximum capacity of 25 people.

The tour will finish at The Belverdere Hotel, at 6:30pm, for a drink where you can talk about the artworks, meet new people, or catch up with old friends.   

Continuum – Ceramic Mural, Mikala Dwyer, 2024, Martin Place Station, Sydney, Commissioned by TfNSW. Photo Credit: Sydney Metro

The Underneath, Callum Morton, 2024, Gadigal Station, Sydney, Commissioned by TfNSW, Photo Credit: Sydney Metro

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