Central Park Sydney Walking Tour and Networking Drinks at the Pub

Led by Diana Griffiths, UDA Vice President and Director of Studio GL members of the UDA were treated to a walking tour of Central Park Sydney. The walking tour explored the evolution of the master plan over time and how the precinct became what it is today.

Landscaped streets extend from the park into adjacent neighbourhoods, creating pleasant places to meet, mingle, and eat. The precincts character draws on its historical context being the Carlton Untied Brewery and the former terrace houses and backlanes of Kensington Street Chippendale which have been reinvented as “Spice Alley”, now a popular and successful food and retail precinct that attracts visitors to the area day and night.

About Central Park Sydney

The opportunity to create a new residential neighbourhood in the heart of Sydney arose when several hectares of land became available after the Carlton United Brewery closed.

Close to the city’s major transport hub and two large universities, the 5.8-ha site on the border of Broadway and Chippendale offered huge potential for high-density commercial development, housing, open space, connections to surrounding streets and neighbourhoods, and adaptive re-use of heritage buildings.

The master plan for the site prioritises public amenity to balance these competing demands within a high-density development. This renewed city quarter has been designed around a network of lanes, streets, parks and important heritage buildings to create human-scaled, welcoming spaces with diverse uses.

If you would like to learn more click here.

Copyright UDA NSW 2023

Image credit: Jared Phillips


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